David Khourshid
ReactConf AU 2020 - David Khourshid - 45 minsreacttestingxstate
dotCSS 2019 - David Khourshid - 18 minscssstate-machinesjavascriptxstateanimation
ReactiveConf 2019 - David Khourshid - 23 minsjavascriptadaptive-user-interfacexstate
React Alicante 2019 - David Khourshid - 39 minsuser-interfacereact
React Rally 2019 - David Khourshid - 26 minstestingstate-machinesreact
ReactNext 2019 - David Khourshid - 31 minsformsstate-machinesreact
React Finland 2019 - David Khourshid - 25 minsadaptive-user-interfacexstateguessjsreactEDITOR'S CHOICE: What if you could predict user behavior? Smart UIs help understand your users, and adapt the experience around their personal needs.
ReactiveConf 2018 - David Khourshid - 28 minsjavascriptfinite-state-machinesstatechartsxstaterxjsfsmreactEDITOR'S CHOICE: David shows us how to reduce code complexity. State Machines are great for small apps, while Statecharts do wonders for large-scale apps.
React Finland 2018 - David Khourshid - 37 minsreact