Mandy Michael
Variable Fonts and Responsive Typography
You Gotta Love Frontend 2020 - Mandy Michael - 44 minsresponsive-typographytypographycssvariable-fontsfontsjavascript
Very Responsive Typography with Variable Fonts
JSConf Hawaiʻi 2020 - Mandy Michael - 28 minsjavascriptcsstypographyvariable-fonts
Responsive Typography
JAMstack Conf 2019 San Francisco - Mandy Michael - 31 minsfontsperformancedesigntypographyjavascriptjamstackcss
Variable Fonts and the Flexible Nature of Screens and Devices
JSConf Asia 2019 - Mandy Michael - 30 minsjavascriptweb-fontscss
Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Design
dotCSS 2018 - Mandy Michael - 19 minscssvariable-fontsfonts