Sarah Drasner
The Art of Code Comments
JSConf Hawaiʻi 2020 - Sarah Drasner - 21 minsjavascript
The Future of Web Animation
Full Stack Fest 2019 - Sarah Drasner - 36 minsreactjavascriptanimationnuxtvue
The State of the JAMstack Nation
JAMstack Conf 2019 London - Sarah Drasner - 23 minsjamstackreactvueangularserverlessnetlifyjavascriptnuxtstripe
The Future of Web Animation
DinosaurJS 2019 - Sarah Drasner - 39 minsjavascriptanimation
The Future of Web Animation
JSHeroes 2019 - Sarah Drasner - 31 minsjavascriptanimationvuenuxtaugmented-realityvirtual-reality
Animating Vue
ReactiveConf 2017 - Sarah Drasner - 32 minsvueanimation
Animating the Virtual DOM
ReactEurope 2017 - Sarah Drasner - 31 minsanimationgsapreact-motionrxjsd3react
Animating in React
React Rally 2016 - Sarah Drasner - 42 minsanimationreact