- React
- JS Kongress
- 2019
JS Kongress 2019 has 8 hours of content in JavaScript dockerfluxkubernetesmicro-frontendsmicro-servicesnodereactscalingtc39user-experiencewebpack and more.
The focus of JS Kongress 2019 on March 11-12 is the (r)evolution of Architectures. We will dig deeper into the role of JavaScript as a driving force for modern software and cloud architectures. Join us for two days in Munich, Germany to discuss the impact for us developers as well as companies and agile product development. Microservices, Data Driven Architectures, Event Sourcing, Stream-oriented architectures, Cloud Native Computing and API First are becoming first-class citizens in software architectures. Also, frontend architectures are improving quickly: reactive programming, redux and the art of state management.
Sean Larkin - 20 minswebpack
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer - 25 minstc39
Tamar Twena-Stern - 23 minsevent-sourcingnode
Mariko Kosaka - 26 minsweb-platformchromiumjavascriptw3c
Kamil Myśliwiec - 22 minsreactive-programmingnodenestjs
Rubén Sospedra - 25 minsfinite-state-machinesuser-interfaceuser-experience
Sam Bellen - 24 minsauthenticationjson-web-tokens
Netta Bondy - 22 minsfunctional-reactive-programmingrxjs
Monica Lent - 24 minsdockerkubernetesmicro-frontendsmicro-serviceshelmEDITOR'S CHOICE: A real-life use case for micro-frontends and motivation for adopting them.
Michael Hladky - 26 minsstate-managementfluxreduxngrxstate