JSConf US 2019 has 17 hours of content in JavaScript accessibilityarchitecturecommunitycssgraphqllearningnodeperformancereacttensorflow.jstestinguser-experience and more.
JSConf US has pushed the language outside of its comfort zone, the web browser, and into the forefront of servers, drones, robots and video games. Enjoy a very special day of exciting activities that are sure to make anyone happy from golfing to robot hacking to segway tours during our "choose-your-own-adventure" activity day only at JSConf US.
This conference has 2 tracks. Please choose one.

Adam Giese - 18 minsfunctional-programming

Jeremy Wagner - 33 minsperformanceuser-experienceaccessibility
Kat Kitay - 31 minsinternationalizationlocalizationcssuser-experienceEDITOR'S CHOICE: A talk on things that make us different & unique (i18n, a11y, l10n). Kat thinks that we should embrace culture in our technical practice, and deeply understand our users.

Theodore Vorillas - 24 minsaccessibility

Julien Fitzpatrick - 30 minsinclusivity

Sara Fecadu - 24 minsaudio

Patricia Realini - 21 minsaccessibilitycommunitybroadband

Bryan Hughes - 30 mins

Ramón Huidobro - 17 minsraspberry-pinodedance-mat.js

Ariba Jahan - 29 minsuser-experience