Papers We Love Conf 2019 has 5 hours of content in and more.
Papers We Love began as a repository of academic computer science papers. It quickly morphed into an international series of monthly meetups. It flowered into a diverse community of computer enthusiasts interested in research as a hobby or applied to their daily work. Papers We Love Conference is a one day event to cross-pollinate ideas between academic research and industrial practice. We are very excited to be back in St. Louis as part of the Strangeloop Pre-Conf program for the fourth year in a row.

Shriram Krishnamurth - 59 mins

Giulia Fanti - 48 minsbitcoinblockchainpeer-to-peer

Karim Ali - 50 mins

José Manuel Calderón Trilla - 45 mins

Heidi Howard - 48 mins

Star Simpson - 22 minsrobotscyberpsychologyuser-experience