React Amsterdam 2018 has 9 hours of content in React architecturegraphqlmobxreact-nativereduxssrstate and more.
React Amsterdam is a celebration of good things coming together: React that rocks and spring in Amsterdam that blossoms. A full-day, two-track conference on all things React, gathering Front-end and Full-stack developers across the globe in the tech heart of Europe. We're coming back with a new gig on April 13, 2018. Mark your calendars for the biggest React community event.
This conference has 2 tracks. Please choose one.
Michele Bertoli - 27 minsstate
Tracy Lee - 27 minsreactive-programmingrxjs
Michel Weststrate - 31 minsstatemobxEDITOR'S CHOICE: Get a deeper understanding on the difference between state and data. A deeper understanding of JavaScript itself.
Shirley Wu - 31 minsd3dom
Ken Wheeler - 26 mins
Kristijan Ristovski - 24 minsgraphqlapolloreduxmobxnext
Richard Threlkeld - 28 minsgraphqlawsappsync
Manjula Dube - 29 minsreact-16error-boundariesportalsfragmentsssrarchitecture