Distinctive event
React Finland 2019 has 11 hours of content in React design-systemreact-nativetypescript and more.
React Finland combines the Finnish React community with international flavor. In this single track event you will learn more about React and surrounding topics while meeting some of the leading talents of the community. In addition to enjoying the event, this is your chance to explore Finland. Our goal is to connect our valued speakers with our local community in the most fruitful way we can and provide Finnish hospitality to our conference visitors. We hope to create something unique by combining our northern traditions with speakers and visitors from all around the world.
Michel Weststrate - 27 minsmobxreactive-programmingopen-sourcestateEDITOR'S CHOICE: The creator of MobX talks about his journey with the library and open source, reactive programming, client-side state management and learning new things.

Luca Matteis - 26 minsbehavioral-programming
David Khourshid - 25 minsadaptive-user-interfacexstateguessjsEDITOR'S CHOICE: What if you could predict user behavior? Smart UIs help understand your users, and adapt the experience around their personal needs.

Andrey Okonetchnikov - 20 minsdesign

Varya Stepanova - 27 minsdesign-system

Juha Linnanen - 27 minscontinuous-integrationcontinuous-deliveryreact-native

Maaret Pyhäjärvi - 23 minstestingautomation

Manuel Matuzović - 23 minsaccessibilitybest-practices

Bruno Lourenço - 25 minsanimation