React London 2017 has 6 hours of content in React react-native and more.
Red Badger is running the React London Conference to help chart what’s possible and give the community a place to share discoveries. This is not-for-profit, the money generated will help cover our costs for this and future events.
The road to styled-components: CSS in component-based systems
Max Stoiber - 31 minscssstyled-components
Realtime Webpack - Pushing on-demand bundling to the limits
Oliver Woodings - 15 minswebpackarchitecture
What's in a language?
Cheng Lou - 36 minsreason
Logux, a new approach to client-server communication
Andrey Sitnik - 34 minsloguxreduxcrdt
Javascript code formatting
Christopher Chedeau - 50 minsprettier
Snapshot testing
Anna Doubkova - 13 minstestingjestsnapshot-testing
A tiny Fiber renderer
Dustan Kasten - 41 minsfiber
Next.js in production
Jasdeep Lalli - 16 minsnextjs
Weapons grade React
Ken Wheeler - 31 minsreact-native
Offline for the greater good
Jani Eväkallio - 17 minsaccessibilityreact-nativeprogressive-web-apps