1. React
  2. React Rally
  3. 2015
  4. Flux for Data Visualization: A Preliminary Manifesto

Flux for Data Visualization: A Preliminary Manifesto

Jana Beck at React Rally 2015

All you need for a simple bar chart is D3.js, the standard library for interactive data visualization on the web. But for a highly complex visualization - and here "visualization" should be interpreted broadly to include all manner of charts, graphs, and dashboards with interactivity provided through scrolling, paging, filtering, focusing, and zooming - managing the state of the visualization becomes a complex task. And the problem multiplies if the data updates in real time. This talk introduces a Flux-based strategy to separate the state of the visualization into three stores: one for the configuration of the visualization, one for the data that is the subject of visualization, and a third that bridges - and depends on - the first two and provides methods for accessing exactly the state information needed to render the current configuration of the data visualization using the subset of the current dataset that falls within the domain under inspection.