- React
- ReactEurope
- 2019
ReactEurope 2019 has 13 hours of content in React a11yaccessibilityanimationgraphqlhooksperformancereactreact-nativetypescript and more.
ReactEurope brings you the best and most passionate people from the very core teams to the coolest people from the community we love. After changing the way we think about state management in JavaScript applications, the way we write native mobile apps with React Native, how we interact with remote data with GraphQL or even how we manage CSS, the React community keeps innovating and its ecosystem growing. At this conference, you will learn how new projects such as ReasonML will bring web and mobile React Native apps to the next level and how projects such as React Native Web, React Primitive and Expo make it easy to write, deploy and share code on all platforms quickly. The conference aims to give talks that inspire and explore new futuristic ideas dealing with all the techs we enjoy from the React ecosystem such as React.js, React Native, GraphQL, Relay, Universal apps, ReasonML, Webpack, inline CSS and more. ReactEurope is also a great occasion to socialize, meet new people and old friends, hack together, taste delicious food and have fun in the beautiful city of Paris. Join us at ReactEurope Conf to shape the future of client-side, mobile and universal applications!
Jared Palmer - 26 mins
Joshua Comeau - 25 minsperformancehookscssreactanimationuser-interfaceuser-experience
Alec Larson - 30 minsreact-springanimationhooks
Ella van Durpe - 20 minswordpress
Nik Graf - 30 minsreasonreacthookstypescriptflow
Bryan Phelps - 33 minsreveryreact-nativereasonbrisk
Paul Armstrong - 29 minspwa
Julien Vergalet - 31 minsskip
Dan Stein - 31 mins
Hein Rutjes - 25 minsreact-nativetransitionsreact-native-magic-move
Michel Weststrate - 29 minsgraphqlmobxmobx-state-tree