1. React
  2. ReactiveConf
  3. 2017
  4. Reason: JavaScript-flavored OCaml

Reason: JavaScript-flavored OCaml

Jared Forsyth at ReactiveConf 2017

You may have heard a bit about Reason -- the new initiative out of Facebook to bring JavaScript-flavored OCaml goodness to web developers everywhere -- but what's the big picture? Reason has a lot of things going for it: fantastic JavaScript interop, a powerful, battle-tested type system with cross-file inference, macros, and plenty of hype. It was started by the folks at Facebook who invented and built React, and already powers a substantial portion of Messenger.com. We'll go over the basics of Reason, and answer these questions: - What does it look like to write React UIs with Reason? - When will Reason be ready for me to use at work? - What does it look like to incrementally adopt Reason in a JavaScript codebase? - What tradeoffs has Reason chosen, and how do they compare to other languages?