ReactJS Girls 2019 has 3 hours of content in React hooks and more.
ReactJS Girls is a non-profit one-day conference for every React developer, where women will take the stage. The React.js Girls community was created in 2017 by YLD. The meetup’s focus is giving a platform to female engineers that want to learn from, and teach their experiences using React.js. Although the meetup is aimed at women in the tech community, attendees of any and all genders are welcome to attend. Today, we have +1200 members, 2 locations and 19 editions.

Emma Wedekind - 17 minsdesign-system

Jenn Creighton - 26 mins

Erin Fox - 13 minsstorybookreact-native

Monica Powell - 18 mins

Carolyn Stransky - 20 minsgraphql

Kate Beard - 20 mins

Marcy Sutton - 20 minsaccessibility

Marta Fernandes - 15 minsfunctional-programminghooks

Manjula Dube - 16 minshooks