ReactNext 2018 has 6 hours of content in React architecturedesign-patternsimmutabilityperformancereact-native and more.
ReactNext is an one-day community-driven event packed with advanced lectures by internationally renowned speakers, and networking opportunities with over 600 attendees from all around the world, that share a passion for React. ReactNext targets both beginner and experienced devs with sessions about React, React Native, Redux, MobX, and everything about the ecosystem.
Yoav Niran - 16 minsperformance
Marcel Cutts - 30 minsmonorepo
Patrick Hund - 24 minscomponentsarchitecture
Yonatan Mevorach - 25 minsarchitecture
Matthew Gerstman - 30 minsfunctional-programmingimmutability
Michel Weststrate - 30 minsimmerimmutabilityproxies
Norbert de Langen - 27 minsstorybookopen-source
Robert Herbst - 30 minsdesign-patterns
Ofir Dagan - 13 minsreact-nativeperformance
Itay Maoz - 14 minsdesign-patterns
Maayan Glikser - 31 minsmigrationangularjs
Ben Ilegbodu - 33 minsecosystem
Adam Klein - 27 minsreduxbest-practices
Parashuram N - 28 minsreact-nativearchitecture
Kaylie Kwon - 16 minscssanimationcss-in-jsstyled-componentsreact-motion