React NotAConf 2019 has 6 hours of content in React architecture and more.
<React.NotAConf /> is an initiative brought to live by <React.Sofia /> meetup - a community of 700+ React enthusiasts. ⚛️
The evolution of React APIs
Mihail Mikov - 41 mins
An SVG’s Tale
Elizabet Oliveira - 31 minssvg
Conversational sign up with chatbot-like experience with React and Redux
Ilona Demidenko - 29 minsreduxchatbot
Write better React with ReasonML
David Kopal - 50 minsreason
How not to hate your life when dealing with forms
Radoslav Stankov - 46 minsforms
Serverless: a backend thing that gives superpowers to frontend developers
Slobodan Stojanovic - 51 minsserverless
Building resilient frontend architecture
Monica Lent - 44 minsarchitecture
Architecting React plugins
Martin Chaov - 41 minspluginsarchitecture