We’ll dig into a promising, minimal approach to content management that works the way you do.The Git Powered CMS Content Management with No ServerSave
Katie's site ohshitgit.com was born our of her frustrations with git. She'll walk us through the migration process to JAMstack, and along the way dive deep into Git's underlying data structures to flesh out our mental model of how Git works, and help us avoid messes before they begin!Migrating to JAMstack and OhShitGit!Save
We’ll dig into a promising, minimal approach to content management that works the way you do.The Git Powered CMS Content Management with No ServerSave
Katie's site ohshitgit.com was born our of her frustrations with git. She'll walk us through the migration process to JAMstack, and along the way dive deep into Git's underlying data structures to flesh out our mental model of how Git works, and help us avoid messes before they begin!Migrating to JAMstack and OhShitGit!Save