1. React
  2. You Gotta Love Frontend
  3. 2019 Lithuania
  4. Having Your Cake and Eating It Too GraphQL in Reason

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too GraphQL in Reason

Sean Grove at You Gotta Love Frontend 2019 Lithuania

Traditionally, soundly typed-language are warm and cozy in their own world, but as soon as they have to deal with the outside world (say, talking to a REST API), the pain quickly sets in: trying to keep a type definition in sync with a moving external service, manual conversion back and forth, and lots of boilerplate. Well no more! Proper GraphQL support in ReasonML libraries means that we can have full-stack safety, knowing that if our programs compile, the server can satisfy our requirements! And on top of that, we get all the other GraphQL goodies, like tooling, in-editor auto-complete, and fantastic compile-time optimizations, for free! But what about the server-side, you ask? There are so many places things can go wrong when trying to maintain the promises you give to your GraphQL clients, I hear you cry out! Dry your eyes, friend, for `ocaml-graphql-server` is here to guide you to the happy full-stack GraphQL+Reason world you’ve been dreaming of, where whole classes of errors are eliminated. As in any good talk, however, we’ll also take a look at some of the painful points of this approach, and how ReasonML might make some tasks more difficult so that you can leave with a confident understanding of whether this new frontier is one you want to brave any time soon.