1. React
  2. You Gotta Love Frontend
  3. 2019 Lithuania
  4. YGLF 2019 Vilnius

YGLF 2019 Vilnius

Various at You Gotta Love Frontend 2019 Lithuania

A short recap of YGLF 2019 Vilnius. With a growing industry, supported by a lively and passionate community of developers, YGLF brought some of its magic to Vilnius. The event took place in the city center, in a freshly renovated, but preserved venue, we were joined by big names with irresistible talks and a whole lot of fun! YGLF is a series of community events built by developers for developers, a non-profit conference aimed at delivering high-quality content on the hottest topics that cutting edge front-end developers need to know. Bringing in internationally recognized speakers and attendees, with the young and vibrant atmosphere of the front-end community, YGLF creates a buzzling bustle of software engineers from around the globe.