Byteconf React 2020 has 7 hours of content in React accessibilitygatsbyperformancereactserverless and more.
Byteconf React is a 100% free single-day conference with the best React speakers and teachers in the world. Conferences are great, but flights, hotels, and tickets are expensive, so not everyone can go. Byteconf is streamed on YouTube, for free, so anyone and everyone can attend.

Simply React
Kent C. Dodds - 32 minsreact

Performant by Default, React Web Apps in 2020
Ahmad Awais - 30 minsreactperformancenextjs

A Gentle Introduction to Building Serverless Apps
Joe Karlsson - 19 minsreactserverlessmongodb

Beginner Pitfalls: My Personal Journey
Mahmoud Abdelwahab - 19 minsreact

Creating a Component Library
Kathryn Grayson Nanz - 24 minsreact

Put Down the Javascript: Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development
Colby Fayock - 23 minsreactjavascripthtmlcssaccessibilityseo

Static Sites and Serverless Functions - A Dynamic Combination
James Quick - 20 minsreactserverlessgatsbyauto0trello

Those Who Can Do Should Also Teach
Ali Spittel - 36 minsreactlearning