- React
- Chain React
- 2019
Chain React 2019 has 9 hours of content in React androidarchitecturereact-native and more.
What do you do when the conference you want doesn’t exist? Create it, of course! The Chain React Conference was started in 2017 by the team at Infinite Red, who wanted nothing more than to learn from other React Native enthusiasts, eat great food, and nerd out about Redux vs MobX. In 2018, we upped our game, adding more vendors, two workshops, and even more great speakers. As frequent conference attendees ourselves, we know that details matter. From caffineation to caterers, from icebreakers to mixers to after parties, we put a lot of care into designing the conference to be fun and to maximize learning and networking opportunities.
Facebook - 15 minsreact-nativefacebookhermes-engineandroid
Nader Dabit - 22 minsreact-nativeaws-appsyncgraphql
Lorenzo Sciandra - 34 minsreact-nativecommunity
Ankita Kulkarni - 31 minsreact-nativearchitecture
Ferran Negre Pizarro - 33 minsreact-nativearchitecture
Kenza Iraki - 17 minsformsreact-nativeredux-formreact-formformik
Brent Vatne - 27 minsexpo
Jenn Robison - 21 minsbitrisereact-native