1. React
  2. CSS-Minsk-JS
  3. 2019
  4. Best Friends Forever: when a front-end developer is a little bit back-end

Best Friends Forever: when a front-end developer is a little bit back-end

Reasons for using BFF (Backend For Frontend) pattern in large-scale enterprise development, and choosing Node.js as the ideal tool in this area.

Andrey Melikho at CSS-Minsk-JS 2019

This talk consists of two major parts. The first one considers the reason for using BFF (Backend For Frontend) pattern in large-scale enterprise development, and the second one is about the rationality for choosing Node.js as the ideal tool in this area. I’ll talk about not only the good parts of BFF-approach, the bad things will be mentioned too. And the last but not the least, the direction of the further development of BFF (lambda functions).