1. React
  2. CSS-Minsk-JS
  3. 2019
  4. Serverless: a BA thing that gives superpowers to FE devs

Serverless: a BA thing that gives superpowers to FE devs

Serverless is a backend thing, but it gives superpowers to frontend developers. This talk is about serverless and the ways you can benefit it as an FE developer.

Slobodan Stojanović at CSS-Minsk-JS 2019

You probably heard about serverless, its autoscaling and pricing model. But, no one told you one of the most important things: serverless is a backend thing, but it gives superpowers to frontend developers. It puts a deployment in the hands of FE developers, without all the complexity of BE systems. You can deploy a production-ready API, server-side rendering, and do amazing things with just a few lines of code. This talk is about serverless and the ways you can benefit it as an FE developer.