- React
- JAMstack Conf
- 2019 San Francisco
JAMstack Conf 2019 San Francisco has 9 hours of content in JavaScript e-commercegitjamstackjavascriptmigrationnetlifyperformancescaling and more.
Attend _the_ conference to learn how to design, develop, and deploy fast, modern web projects that run on JAMstack, without web servers.
What got us here, won’t get us there.
Justin Watts - 30 minsjavascriptjamstackscaling
JAMstack with WordPress
Amit Rathi - 30 minsjavascriptjamstackwordpress
Static generated sites === great performance. What are you waiting for?
Debbie O'Brien - 29 minsvuenuxtperformancejavascriptjamstack
Building e-commerce storefronts on the JAMstack
Ashley McKemie - 19 minsjamstackjavascriptgatsbynetlifybigcommerce
Supercharging JAMstack apps with multiple APIs via GraphQL Pipelines
Sean Grove - 30 minsgraphqlintegratione-commercejavascriptjamstack
Migrating to JAMstack and OhShitGit!
Katie Sylor - 31 minsjavascriptjamstackmigrationgit
Oops—I guess we're full-stack developers now
Chris Coyier - 32 minsjavascriptjamstackfullstack