1. React
  2. JSConf US
  3. 2019
  4. Tour de Bikeshare: Setting World Records with JavaScript

Tour de Bikeshare: Setting World Records with JavaScript

Kyle Hill at JSConf US 2019

In the summer of 2019, a somewhat out-of-shape software developer had a terrible idea — to use JavaScript to derive the algorithm that powers Washington DC’s bike-share system and then try to set a one day record helping other people get where they want to go. In this talk, we’ll learn about how humans can deduce machine learning, how you can turn yourself into your own API, and about how 250 years of history and a few million years of geology influences everyone that lives, works, and plays in our nation’s capital. Can our heroic speaker overcome DC’s climate, the L’Enfant Plan, AND his own laziness to break a world record? Probably not, but let’s find out together!