JSHeroes 2019 has 9 hours of content in JavaScript javascriptnodeopen-sourcevue and more.
Each year at JSHeroes, we pick a couple of topics we want to spotlight. It is not an exhaustive list, but we usually pick themes and topics we wish to raise awareness on, or that we feel need a bit more focus during the event. Nevertheless, JSHeroes is still focused on the technical side, the JavaScript ecosystem and the wonders of the Web.
Sarah Drasner - 31 minsjavascriptanimationvuenuxtaugmented-realityvirtual-reality
Charlie Gerard - 29 minsjavascriptmachine-learning
Simona Cotin - 32 minsjavascriptserverlessazureazure-functions
Anna Backs & Christina Zenzes - 24 mins3dbabylonjsjavascript
Lin Clark & Till Schneidereit - 33 minsjavascriptwebassemblywasi
Jason Lengstorf - 29 minsjavascriptopen-source
Henry Zhu - 26 minsjavascriptopen-source
Daisy Smith - 27 minsjavascript
Alejandro Oviedo - 21 minsjavascriptnpm
Harry Roberts - 40 minsjavascriptperformancesecurity
Jeffrey Lembeck - 21 minsjavascriptleadership