You Gotta Love Frontend 2020 has 3 hours of content in JavaScript, cssjavascript and more.
Built for developers, by developers, YGLF brings together internationally recognized frontend speakers. This year, due to Covid-19, the conference goes online, for free. We’re broadcasting five talks, over five days from 24th - 28th August 2020. All hosted by MC Bruce Lawson.

The Prismatic World of CSS Colours
Chen Hui Jing - 50 minscsscolor

Road to Async Nirvana
Boris Litvinsky - 34 minsasyncreact-queryjavascriptreact

The Metric System: Making Correct Performance Measurements
Henri Helvetica - 38 minsperformancejavascript

Variable Fonts and Responsive Typography
Mandy Michael - 44 minsresponsive-typographytypographycssvariable-fontsfontsjavascript

Do You Want to Build a Build Tool?
Craig Spence - 31 minsjavascriptwebpackprettiereslintabstract-syntax-treetypescript