1. React
  2. You Gotta Love Frontend
  3. 2020
  4. Road to Async Nirvana

Road to Async Nirvana

Get to know React Query and see how it fits beautifully into React to create a true paradigm shift that makes consumption of async APIs a breeze.

Boris Litvinsky at You Gotta Love Frontend 2020

Consumption of asynchronous data sources has been an issue in frontend development for years. We've all been there - loading states, errors, tons of boilerplate code. Through the years, there have been many attempts to tackle the issues. Finally, with the arrival React Query, combined with new React features such as Hooks and Suspense, is it possible that we have finally reached the "asynchronicity nirvana"? In this talk, we will get to know React Query, explore the reason behind all the hype waves it created recently as well as see how it fits beautifully into React to create a true paradigm shift that makes consumption of async APIs a breeze.